Monday, December 30, 2019

What Is an Argument

When people create and critique arguments, its helpful to understand what an argument is and is not. Sometimes an argument is seen as a verbal fight, but that is not what is meant in these discussions. Sometimes a person thinks they are offering an argument when they are only providing assertions. What Is an Argument? Perhaps the simplest explanation of what an argument is comes from Monty Python’s Argument Clinic sketch: An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a definite proposition. argument is an intellectual process... contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of anything the other person says. This may have been a comedy sketch, but it highlights a common misunderstanding: to offer an argument, you cannot simply make a claim or gainsay what others claim. An argument is a deliberate attempt to move beyond just making an assertion. When offering an argument, you are offering a series of related statements which represent an attempt to support that assertion — to give others good reasons to believe that what you are asserting is true rather than false. Here are examples of assertions: 1. Shakespeare wrote the play Hamlet.2. The Civil War was caused by disagreements over slavery.3. God exists.4. Prostitution is immoral. Sometimes you hear such statements referred to as propositions. Technically speaking, a proposition is the informational content of any statement or assertion. To qualify as a proposition, a statement must be capable of being either true or false. What Makes a Successful  Argument? The above represent positions people hold, but which others may disagree with. Merely making the above statements do not constitute an argument, no matter how often one repeats the assertions. To create an argument, the person making the claims must offer further statements which, at least in theory, support the claims. If the claim is supported, the argument is successful; if the claim is not supported, the argument fails. This is the purpose of an argument: to offer reasons and evidence for the purpose of establishing the truth value of a proposition, which can mean either establishing that the proposition is true or establishing that the proposition is false. If a series of statements does not do this, it isn’t an argument. Three Parts of an Argument Another aspect of understanding arguments is to examine the parts. An argument can be broken down into three major components: premises, inferences, and a conclusion. Premises are statements of (assumed) fact which are supposed to set forth the reasons and/or evidence for believing a claim. The claim, in turn, is the conclusion: what you finish with at the end of an argument. When an argument is simple, you may just have a couple of premises and a conclusion: 1. Doctors earn a lot of money. (premise)2. I want to earn a lot of money. (premise)3. I should become a doctor. (conclusion) Inferences are the reasoning parts of an argument. Conclusions are a type of inference, but always the final inference. Usually, an argument will be complicated enough to require inferences linking the premises with the final conclusion: 1. Doctors earn a lot of money. (premise)2. With a lot of money, a person can travel a lot. (premise)3. Doctors can travel a lot. (inference, from 1 and 2)4. I want to travel a lot. (premise)5. I should become a doctor. (from 3 and 4) Here we see two different types of claims which can occur in an argument. The first is a factual claim, and this purports to offer evidence. The first two premises above are factual claims and usually, not much time is spent on them — either they are true or they are not. The second type is an inferential claim — it expresses the idea that some matter of fact is related to the sought-after conclusion. This is the attempt to link the factual claim to the conclusion in such a way as to support the conclusion. The third statement above is an inferential claim because it infers from the previous two statements that doctors can travel a lot. Without an inferential claim, there would be no clear connection between the premises and the conclusion. It is rare to have an argument where inferential claims play no role. Sometimes you will come across an argument where inferential claims are needed, but missing — you won’t be able to see the connection from factual claims to a conclusion and will have to ask for them. Assuming such inferential claims really are there, you will be spending most of your time on them when evaluating and critiquing an argument. If the factual claims are true, it is with the inferences that an argument will stand or fall, and it is here where you will find fallacies committed. Unfortunately, most arguments aren’t presented in such a logical and clear manner as the above examples, making them difficult to decipher sometimes. But every argument which really is an argument should be capable of being reformulated in such a manner. If you cannot do that, then it is reasonable to suspect that something is wrong.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Psychology and the Nature of Humanity - 1227 Words

Introduction. The American Psychologist Association (APA) defines psychology as ‘the study of the mind and behaviour . The discipline embraces all aspects of the human experience — from the functions of the brain to the actions of nations, from child development to care for the aged. ‘(Association, 2014). With such an extensive definition, it is not overly surprising that its scientific kudos has been used to propagate political dogma, including abominable beliefs such as the innate inferiority of black people (Howitt and Owusu-Bempah, 1994) and to facilitate the legalislation of racist laws such as the American Jim Crow laws that placed severe restrictions on the rights and privileges of African Americans in 1877 (Brown and Stentiford,†¦show more content†¦They have psychological needs. For example, deprive them of acceptance and their development is likely to warp. This is the truth underlying anthropologist Ronald Rohner’s classic work on rejection. Rohner studied 118 cultures around the world and found that in each culture, kids who are rejected turn out badly, so much so that Rohner called rejection a â€Å"psychological malignancy.† AFRICAN BABIES AND MASSAGE-problems of psych research-diaries less likely in illiterate countries but memory studies unreliable Education. Cognitive development. Sociocultural biologists believe that how we develop, and particularly how we learn to think is primarily a function of the social and cultural environment in which we are reared (Bjorklund, 2005). Clearly, this suggests that numerous indigenous psychologies would be required to improve our understanding of how the mind develops. In contrast, more traditional views of cognitive development, such as those of Jean Piaget, suggest that there are ‘cognitive universals’ which are common aspects of children’s development found throughout the world. These ‘developmental psychologists’ accept that different children learn to solve problems which are relevant to their own lives and culture. However, the main //// they theorise that all children pass through universal stages in human development which provide a possible explanation as to when and how a child is ready toShow MoreRelatedThe Integration Perspective And The Christian Psychology Perspective913 Words   |  4 PagesWithin the psychology field and in society, there is a common belief that theological principles, scripture, Christianity, and psychological principles are not compatible. Instead they believe that modern psychology is secular, scientific, and sacrilegious. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

In Focus Hymoptera Free Essays

Spiders are perhaps the most popular insects at present, due to the worldwide release of the movie, Spiderman. Most of us have been dreaming of being bitten by an insect and using its capabilities to be of help to society – as super heroes! When I was a child, bees and wasps running around the garden terrified me. Carrying on, fear for these insects sparked interest in me to study them, specifically about how these insects complete the balance of nature. We will write a custom essay sample on In Focus: Hymoptera or any similar topic only for you Order Now This large group of inects belong to Hymenopetra, consisting of sawflies, wasps, bees, and ants. As such, the group was given the name referring to the membranous wings of the majority of the insects making up the population. The major role played by this group is that of being pollinators for flowering plants; thus, plants would not be able to reproduce without the help of this insects. All organisms have their own way of protecting themselves. Insects accord such self-protection by its horny or leathery cuticle for defense. Moreover, the dermal glands of various insects are capable of producing chemical substances that can cause itching to other organisms, birds in particular. For many hymenopterans, the poisons produced are from the plants they feed on. In female hymenopterans, their reproductive system has been modified; being capable of producing toxic proteins. Once injected onto its prey this causes paralysis to the nervous system. Stings are also used by hymenopterans for protecting themselves like that of wasps, bees and ants. These insects are also capable of blending to their environment, making it hard for their enemies to find them. The cells have its moving pigment granules, hence allowing the coloration to occur (Agren and Hallberg, 1996; 443) The chemical communication among Hymenopterans is important in predicting their behavior. Among Hymenopterans who are of the social kind, there are several glands producing volatile secretion. The antennae are the most important body structure in perceiving signals. Also their body structures can be used to map out the population, insects having the same antenna structure would belong to the same group, performing a particular function (Felicioli, Romani and Bin, 1998; 140). The chemical defenses and poisons produced do not only serve as protection but as a warning as well. Most hymenopterans are of the social kind. The Dufour gland of Pulvergus rufuscens has been proven to vary as well, depending on the position that the insect has in its society. Queens have a hypertrophied gland with extended lumen and a thin epithelium indicating that it is not active in secretion, while the workers have thicker linings for secretory purposes. Hence, these insects have their status in their own society, doing its particular function as a member of its group (Grasso, et. al, 2004; 152). Hymenopterans particularly the ones belonging to superfamily Proctotrupidea are very small but are considered pests for rice, sugar, jute and cotton. The variety of these hymenopterans are vast, thus the roles they have in nature are also different. There are some species belonging to the same group, acting as pollinators, serving the plants and man while there are those particularly the Proctotrupoidea, who are pests for man (Bin and Vinson, 1986; 132). Pesticides and other chemicals have been used for toxifying these insects. Hymenopterans, particularly the bees are capable of producing substances that are toxic for humans. The honey they obtained from the nectars of different flowers can be toxic and psychoactive for humans. Honey produced from the nectar of Azalea pontica has alkaloids which are very poisonous for humans but not for bees. The Roman soldiers who ate honey during the time of Pompey the Great became delirious and vomited the honey, causing their easy defeat. Moreover, honey from Andromeda flowers has grayanotoxins which can paralyze the limbs and diaphragm, resulting to death (Mclaren and Rotundo, 1985; 74). The chemical substances produced from the body of these insects are for self-protection. If stung by its antenna, one undergoes the process of natural body healing. Antidotes and medicines are not precscribed. The chemical produced by Ichneumon eumerus wasp and Maculinea rebeli butterfly in western Europe has resulted in Myrmica schencki ants being used as pawns. The ants are deceived as its accepts the caterpillar into their colony while the wasp uses its own substances to make the caterpillar as ant’s prey. If these chemicals can be synthesized, it can take the place of toxin used as ant traps (Grasso et. al, 2004; 152). Therapeutic gains from the chemical substances derived from these organisms are yet to be proven. Still, their role as pollinators for flowering plants is the major role they play in maintaining the balance of nature. As for the energy relations of these organisms to humans and the environment, biomass energy from plants is being used by this group to permit pollination. Further, the energy given off by these insects to plants is used by man as the latter eats the plant. In addition, as these organisms decay, it gives back the energy to the soil which will be of further use for man (Mclaren and Rotundo, 1985; 75). Though insects are one the major populations existing, the claims of man evolving from these creatures seem not plausible. The genetic traces used by some scientists and researches must be further studied. The chemical processes and the internal features of this group must be further examined to give precise results suggesting its importance to man and the environment. References Agren L. , Hallberg E. (1996) Flagellar sensilla of bumble bee males (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Bombus), Apidologie 27, 433–444. Bin F. , Vinson S. B. (1986) Morphology of the antennal sex-gland in male Trissolcus basalis (Woll. ) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), an egg parasitoid of the green stink bug, Nezara viridula (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), Int. J. Insect Morphol. 15, 129–138. Felicioli A. , Isidoro N. , Romani R. , Bin F. (1998) Ethological and morphological analysis of behavior in Osmia cornuta Latr. (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), Insect Soc. Life 2, 137–144. Grasso, D. , Mori,A. , Le Moli, F. , and Johan Billen. (2004). Morpho-functional comparison of the Dufour gland in the female castes of the Amazon ant Polyergus rufescens (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) . Zoomorphology. 124. (3). 149-153. McLaren, J. , and Rotundo, L. (1985). Biology. D. C. Heath and Company. Lexington, Massachusettes. 67-75. How to cite In Focus: Hymoptera, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Ppda free essay sample

3) The procuring entity shall deal with the request 108 No. 3 Public Procurement and Disposal 2005 for quotations in accordance with the following — (a) the procuring entity shall give the request to such persons as the procuring entity determines; (b) the request must be given to as many persons as necessary to ensure effective competition and must be given to at least three persons, unless that is not possible; and (c) the procuring entity shall give the request to each person early enough so that the person has adequate time to prepare a quotation. (4) The successful quotation shall be the quotation with the lowest price that meets the requirements set out in the request for quotations. 5) The following shall apply with respect to the contract resulting from a procurement by a request for quotations — (a) the procuring entity shall place a purchase order with the person submitting the successful quotation; and (b) the person submitting the successful quotation shall confirm the purchase order in writing. We will write a custom essay sample on Ppda or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (6) If there will not be effective competition unless foreign persons participate, the following shall apply — (a) the request for quotations must be in English; (b) the technical requirements must, to the extent compatible with requirements under Kenyan law, be based on international standards or standards widely used in international trade; 109 No. 3 Public Procurement and Disposal 2005 c) a person submitting a quotation may, in quoting prices or providing security, use a currency that is widely used in international trade and that the request for quotations specifically allows to be used; and (d) any general and specific conditions to which the contract will be subject must be of a kind generally used in international trade. E Procedure for low-value procurements When may be used. 90. (1) A procuring entity may use a low-value procurement procedure if — (a) the estimated value of the goods, works or services being procured are less than or equal to the prescribed maximum value for that low-value procurement procedure; and (b) any other prescribed conditions for the use of the low-value procurement procedure are satisfied. (2) A regulation prescribing a maximum value for a low-value procurement procedure or prescribing conditions for the use of such a procedure may prescribe different values or

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Wal-Mart Essays (3272 words) - Walmart, Sam Walton, Cross-docking

Wal-Mart Sam Walton, a leader with an innovative vision, started his own company and made it into the leader in discount retailing that it is today. Through his savvy, and sometimes unusual, business practices, he and his associates led the company forward for thirty years. Today, four years after his death, the company is still growing steadily. Wal-Mart executives continue to rely on many of the traditional goals and philosophies that Sam's legacy left behind, while simultaneously keeping one step ahead of the ever-changing technology and methods of today's fast-paced business environment. The organization has faced, and is still facing, a significant amount of controversy over several different issues; however, none of these have done much more than scrape the exterior of this gigantic operation. The future also looks bright for Wal-Mart, especially if it is able to strike a comfortable balance between increasing its profits and recognizing its social and ethical responsibilities. Why is Wal-Mart so Successful? Is it Good Strategy or Good Strategy Implementation? -- In 1962, when Sam Walton opened the first Wal-Mart store in Rogers, Arkansas, no one could have ever predicted the enormous success this small-town merchant would have. Sam Walton's talent for discounts retailing not only made Wal-Mart the world's largest retailer, but also the world's number one retailer in sales. Indeed, Wal-Mart was named Retailer of the Decade by Discount Store News in 1989, and on several occasions has been included in Fortune's list of the 10 most admired corporations. Even with Walton's death (after a two-year battle with bone cancer) in 1992, Wal-Mart's sales continue to grow significantly. Wal-Mart is successful not only because it makes sound strategic management decisions, but also for its innovative implementation of those strategic decisions. Regarded by many as the entrepreneur of the century, Walton had a reputation for caring about his customers, his employees (or associates as he referred to them), and the community. In order to maintain its market position in the discount retail business, Wal-Mart executives continue to adhere to the management guidelines Sam developed. Walton was a man of simple tastes and took a keen interest in people. He believed in three guiding principles: 1. Customer value and service; 2. Partnership with its associates; 3. Community involvement (The Story of Wal-Mart, 1995). The word always can be seen in virtually all of Wal-Mart's literature. One of Walton's deepest beliefs was that the customer is always right, and his stores are still driven by this philosophy. When questioned about Wal-Mart's secrets of success, Walton has been quoted as saying, It has to do with our desire to exceed our customers' expectations every hour of every day (Wal-Mart Annual Report, 1994, p. 5). Walton's greatest accomplishment was his ability to empower, enrich, and train his employees (Longo, 1994). He believed in listening to employees and challenging them to come up with ideas and suggestions to make the company better. At each of the Wal-Mart stores, signs are displayed which read; Our People Make the Difference. Associates regularly make suggestions for cutting costs through their Yes We Can Sam program. The sum of the savings generated by the associates actually paid for the construction of a new store in Texas (The story of Wal-Mart, 1995). One of Wal-Mart's goals was to provide its employees with the appropriate tools to do their jobs efficiently. The technology was not used as a means of replacing existing employees, but to provide them with a means to succeed in the retail market (Thompson & Strickland, 1995). Wal-Mart's popularity can be linked to its hometown identity. Walton believed that every customer should be greeted upon entering a store, and that each store should be a reflection of the values of its customers and its community. Wal-Mart is involved in many community outreach programs and has launched several national efforts through industrial development grants. What are the Key Features of Wal-Mart's Approach to Implementing the Strategy Put Together by Sam Walton -- The key features of Wal-Mart's approach to implementing the strategy put together by Sam Walton emphasizes building solid working relationships with both suppliers and employees, being aware and taking notice of the most intricate details in store layouts and merchandising techniques, capitalizing

Monday, November 25, 2019

Thesis Writing

Thesis Writing Thesis Writing Thesis Writing Prior to thesis writing, you should have clear understanding of the question to be answered. Writing a thesis, you demonstrate what you have already learned. You should present thesis material to people in understandable way. You need to make it easy for them to understand what you did and what you want to say. In short, you need to provide the answer to the question raised in introductory part, and you need to present it in a format that others can understand and appreciate. Number of pages should be reasonable and appropriate for your academic level.   Thesis ideas have to be clearly expressed and explained.   Avoid writing a large amount of text, it may prevent the reader from seeing your own research. Try to demonstrate unexpected result, solve the problem in the way that nobody has solved it before and raises some questions that nobody has thought about before. Discuss thesis topic and thesis format with your advisor early in the process. Carefully plan the outline to be sur e that you understand the process by which you will acquire and use different types of sources necessary for thesis writing. Thesis Writing Tips Select a topic and identify your audience, find material for the thesis writing, read the works which are related to your thesis topic. Read different points of view on the problem and diverse research projects. You should write an extended abstract following your outline. Writing a thesis, give some information about previous researches, name their authors. Differentiates what you are doing from prior work. Thesis writing has to follow this thesis format: introduction (background information), body paragraph (analysis and discussion) and conclusion. Thesis writing requires an detailed outline and interesting title. Thesis conclusion should be relevant to introduction. Introduction should be written once the thesis is complete, do not write from the start. The major myth of thesis writing is that you start writing at chapter one and then finish your writing at chapter five. It does not work in real life.   The most productive approach in thesis writing is to begin writing those parts of the thesis that you know or have enough information on. When you come down to work on conclusion, be sure to stress the importance of your research and remind the reader why your thesis is worth of reading.   Custom Thesis Writing Services You are welcome to order custom thesis writing services at our site.   We know how to write a good, well-researched, and coherent research thesis for you!   provides free plagiarism report, free bibliography list, and free table of contents.   If you believe in professional approach to writing and seek premium quality, you have found the right place to order custom thesis writing!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Peer Reviewed Article on ERP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Peer Reviewed Article on ERP - Essay Example Even though the system was capable, it was prone to manual manipulation and corruption from workers. The system did not provide proper communication between the various working sites. No systems that had been established in the firm helped to support the company. At this point, the company decided to adopt the ERP systems. The company decided that the ERP system was the best one to steer the company forward and to help with the communication problems in the company. In selecting the company that would provide the ERP system, they considered factors such as the financial status of the company, the people and the success rates of the company. In the project team, several managers have extensive knowledge in dealing with the systems and the relationships with the old systems. The team providing the services is Syscorp and it had managers who have a track record of success with the ERP systems. The MIE Company decided to adopt the Microsoft Dynamics SL which is offered for small scale companies (Rajagopal, 2002). Some of the problems that were experienced when implementing the system were grouped into three sections. This included the cultural problems, business problems and technical problems. As much as the company expected the system to be more accepted than the old systems, especially in the areas where the new systems were better than the old systems, the people took a long time to get used to the new system. The team that was carrying out the project decided to demonstrate the success of the old systems by clearly illustrating the improvements that had been made (Liu, 2000). The explanations were given in segments so that people could see the improvements that had been made. To make the employees get more used to the system, the original plan was expanded to take care of the training and the culture which was changing. The Microsoft Dynamics SL system requires a rather rigid business structure

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Position of Women who Married Out of India from 1900-1980s Essay

Position of Women who Married Out of India from 1900-1980s - Essay Example [Carol Williams,1999]. There had been growing disparity in the well-being of people, especialy women between indigenous poulations and other populations. Overall, the disparity in well-being between the matched reserve/non-reserve pairs was very similar to the disparity between the complete set of reserves and other Canadian communities. This appears to suggest that no significant portion of the disparity between reserves and other communities can be attributed to either location or population size. Once gross geography was taken into account, however, we noticed that reserve communities nearer urban areas were more similar to their non-reserve matched community than reserves in more isolated parts of the country. With few notable exceptions, the disparities between reserves and their non-reserve community matches increased with geographic isolation. [ White & Maxim, 2007] The Indian Act ("An Act respecting Indians"), R.S., 1985, c. I-5, is a Canadian statute that concerns registered Indians (that is, First Nations peoples of Canada), their bands, and the system of Indian reserves. The Indian Act was enacted in 1876 by the Parliament of Canada under the provisions of Section 91(24) of the Constitution Act, 1867, which provides Canada's federal government exclusive authority to legislate in relation to "Indians and Lands Reserved for Indians". The Indian Act is administered by the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.[ Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, page 25] In 1876, the Canadian Parliament amended the Indian Act to establish patrilineality as the criterion for determining Indian status and all commensurate rights of Indian people to participate in band government, have access to band services and programs, and live on the reserves. [Barker, Joanne, 2006]. According to this Act, a woman marrying a non-Indian would lose her Indian status and rights.Often, she was ostracised by her own family and society. However, on the insistence of Women's Rights and Human Rights Acitivsts, there were many amendments in the Indian Act from 1983 to 1985.These amendments partially reversed the 1876 criteria for obtaining Indian status. Male-dominated band councils and Indian organizations protested vehemently against the women and their allies. They were accused of being complicit with a long history of colonization and racism that imposed, often violently, non-Indian principles and institutions on Indian peoples. [Barker, Joanne, 2006]. Of the various amendments have been brought about in The Indian Act, the most noteworthy is Bill C-31. This particular amandment changed the registration system so that entitlement was no longer based on sexually discriminatory rules [DIAND, 1995 ].However, two categories of persons were excluded from registration under the C-31 provisions: women who gained status only through marriage to a status Indian, and later lost it (e.g. through re-marriage to a non-Indian); and children whose mother gained Indian status through marriage and whose father is non-Indian. Krosenbrink-Gelissen& Lilianne E have discussed the role of Native Women's Association of Canada (NWAC) at length. They look into the scope of the challenges that the Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms raise for

Monday, November 18, 2019

Working with Severe and Enduring Mental Health Problems Essay

Working with Severe and Enduring Mental Health Problems - Essay Example He grew up seeing his parents drink and often they would allow him have a taste of the drink at the tender age of 10. Jacob grew up in the city, in a poor neighborhood. His friends in school were mostly people who took alcohol or smoked cigarettes. As a result of interacting mainly with drunkards and smokers, he became very addicted to alcohol. Another factor that contributed to his addiction was that he felt that he was being discriminated against in school and in the neighborhood like his fellow African Americans. He could not perform well in class due to several social problems including poverty and racial discrimination prompting him to seek something that he could take to get relaxed, less nervous, to cheer up, and as a pass time activity. Jack admits to taking, on average, 500mls of spirit every day. Due to his drinking habit, he dropped out of college. He opted to get money to drink by doing odd jobs. Whenever he gets a job, usually casual, he starts well and shows a lot of de dication. However, every time he is paid, he loses focus taking time to drink and absenting himself from work. In the end, he has nothing to survive on leading to his stress and depression. Jack’s story is quite similar to that of many other alcohol addicts struggling with their addiction. He has relapsed countless times in his attempt to overcome addiction. In his current state, Jack is suffering from depression. He is often bored, tired, anxious, and feels sad. His concentration is low and his social life pathetic. Whenever he does not take a drink, Jack gets extremely nervous and experiences headache, his body shaking. Even without taking a drink, he hallucinates and walks as though he will drop with the very next step. People tend to avoid Jack and treat him harshly for being an addict, leading to his stigmatization. For him, getting a job is a nightmare; he seems weak with blood shot eyes that make others feel others a little uncomfortable in his presence. Coupled with h is racial background Jack feels greatly marginalized and disfavored. The community in which Jack lives is predominantly white. Although people sympathize with Jack’s situation, many feel that they can do very little, almost nothing to help him. Some people ask him to quit drinking at once, others ask him to reduce his consumption gradually. A few people have taken time to counsel him advising him to take responsibility and decide his destiny. Others, however, opt to buy him more alcohol especially when they need him to perform an odd job. While many people treat him with contempt and disrespect, a few consider him and treat him with dignity. In an attempt to help Jack overcome his addiction, I have encouraged him to do some physical exercises and to ensure that his mind is always occupied as suggested by Nash (2010). By exercising, his body will experience improved blood flow making him more relaxed and receptive to positive thoughts. I have encouraged him to pursue his desir e for a changed life, free of alcohol-related bondage. I have also encouraged jack to join an online support network so as to build his social life. I have also asked him to develop an interest for various activities of his choice so as to keep himself occupied. So as to avoid temptation, I have asked jack to avoid keeping alcohol at home. Instead, he should program himself to drink on plan, not as often as he feels like. In addition, I have introduced Jack to a self help group that caters for the needs of alcoholics and drug addicts. The potential barriers to Jack’s recovery include the attitude of the society regarding alcoholics and drug addicts. This goes hand in hand with discrimination, and stigma connected to mental sickness, which is certainly a value judgment as noted by Weinstein (2010). In some

Friday, November 15, 2019

Kant And Mill A Comparison Of Ethical Theories Philosophy Essay

Kant And Mill A Comparison Of Ethical Theories Philosophy Essay John Mills Utilitarianism and Immanuel Kants Fundamental Principle of the Metaphysic of Morality present the two philosophers divergent views on the field of moral philosophy. Mills Utilitarianism is a more refined ethical theory compared to Kants breakdown of the metaphysics and its use in proving what is right and what is wrong. Kant employs his corroboration of the subsistence of metaphysics as a discipline in his ethical philosophy. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦if a law is to have moral force, i.e., to be the basis of an obligation, it must carry with it absolute necessity. (Kant preface). This dictum forms the base for Kants ethical theory. Mill disputes Kants assertion that our moral force must be driven by an obligation. Instead, Mill argues that humans are driven by a desire to be happy. Immanuel Kant utilized practical reasoning in his moral theory and suggests that there exists only one moral obligation; categorical imperative. He states, Act only on that maxim whereby thou canst at the same time will that it should become a universal law (Kant second section). This obligation is derived from the notion of duty, and describes the categorical imperatives as the demands of moral decree, and further emphasizes that an individuals behavior ought to live up to the moral laws. These categorical imperatives should be the constitution governing all men; they should be the principles of human life. Kant argues that all ethical duties inherently expected of humans stem from these categorical imperatives, and it systematically follows that human obligations are put to the test. He goes on to state that employing these imperatives, an individual regarded as rational could be able to achieve specific ends using certain means. Kants categorical imperative forms the basis of the deontological ethics. The fundamental principle of the metaphysics of morals postulates that moral law is a base or foundation of reason in itself and it does not have to be influenced by other contingent factors. The biggest flaw of Kants moral theory is that it fails to mention the role of human desire in the choices individuals make. Kant theory succeeds only in highlighting moral versus immoral human actions, and specifically makes it easier in making choices that exclusively involves evil versus good. It does not provide insight into what an individual should do in case he or she is faced by two evils, a nd he or she has to make a choice between the two. For instance, what does one do when faced with the exclusive choices of either lying or killing? Mills ethical theory offers an insight. Mills utilitarian ethical theory provides a rule that illuminates this quandary. Utilitarian theory supports Machiavellis the end justifies the means; according to the utilitarian opinion, the end of human action, is necessarily also the standard of morality (Mill ch II). The greatest happiness principle proposes that humans should inherently choose the option that gives them the most happiness. Mill constructs a world where the happiness of humans is judged. Mill believes that the best happiness is achieved when everyone is happy; the absence of suffering and pain. He believes that true happiness must be moral or intellectual in nature. Physical happiness does not qualify as true happiness. Happiness is greater than feeling of contentment. Mill talks of different forms of happiness, high and low happiness. When an individual experiences both forms of happiness, he or she develops a preference of one over the other. Mill opines that simple pleasures are preferred by individuals who have not experienced greater ones. Nevertheless, he still holds that higher pleasures are really valued. Because happiness predetermines human desires, it is only logical that our actions are determined by will; will to be happy. Mill however posits that the realization of human desire can at times be subjective to the will of an individual or an individuals habit. Mills utilitarian therefore covers more on human motives as compared to mere indulgence. Every intrinsic human desire is a derivative of elementary human desires to be happy or achieve gratification. Sometimes the pursuit of basic human pleasures may result in pain as a result of sacrifices humans consciously or subliminally make. Such sacrifices for the sake of happiness in the en d are fully justified. A significant difference between Mill and Kant, based on the two writings, is the gradation of ethics. Under Kants metaphysics of science, an individual can be regarded as morally upright while still being selfish. Under Mills utilitarian, an individual cannot be morally right if he or she is selfish since Mills ethical theory requires humans to extend happiness to others. All honour to those who can abnegate for themselves the personal enjoyment of life, when by such renunciation they contribute worthily to increase the amount of happiness in the world (Mill ch II). Kant negates the utilitarian idea by stating that there exists a divergence between desires and ethics and that contemplations of human rights temper estimations of cumulative utility. Kant holds that everything in existence possesses a price or a dignity. He adds that whatever possesses a price can be easily replaced by something else of the similar value as it, but whatever has a dignity can never be replaced. Both philosophers have deep thought on the issue of morality. Mill has his thoughts based on utilitarian grounds, which is an elaborate system that revolves around happiness of people. It hypothesizes that an individual ought to act in a way that ensures the happiness of those around them. Kant has his philosophy of giving morality a good versus bad angle. He, on the other hand, hypothesizes that reasoning and human nature should be the determinants of morality and not human desires. Morality is the root of human interaction and without it, humans would not discern right from wrong. Morality is very important but between the two philosophers John Mill offers an upgraded version of ethical philosophy that is more elaborate and practical.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Of Mice And Men :: essays research papers

Of Mice and Men is one of Steinbeck’s best novels. John Steinbeck, born in Salinas, CA he goes back to that setting for this novel. There are five to six characters that Steinbeck develops and opens up to the reader through the novel. Although George, Lennie, Crooks, Candy, and Curly’s wife all seek a place to belong and someone to love as a cure to there loneliness, all their dreams for a better future are destroyed in the novel. George and Lennie are an unlikely pair of friends who are introduced in the beginning. George is â€Å"small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features.†(2) Lennie contradicts George because he is a â€Å"huge man, shapeless of face, with large pale eyes, with wide sloping shoulders, and he walked heavily.†(2) George is the more dominant of the two because Lennie is slow in the head. George and Lennie are different from the rest of the people in the same occupation because as Lennie said to George, â€Å"because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, and that’s why.†(14) They are also different because as George said, â€Å"We got a future. We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us.†(14) They also share a common goal for their future together. They want to be able to live on there own and have a couple of acres so they can plant things and have animals. They are going to â€Å"live off the fatta the lan’.†(14) This single dream makes George and Lennie different from everyone else. Candy is a nice, old, handicapped man on the ranch. He lost his hand four years earlier in a farm machine while working. Candy overheard George and Lennie discussing about a small piece of land they would like to buy. Candy was compensated $250 for the lost of his hand and has a total of $350 he is willing to invest into the place with George and Lennie. Candy wants to get the place soon because he knows they are going to fire him sometime in the near future. When they fire him he will not have anyone or anything at all. Candy says, â€Å"When they can me here I just wisht somebody’d shoot me. But they won’t do nothing like that. I won’t have no place to go.†(60) So, Candy just wants to be needed and to always have a place to work at and George and Lennie are his way to achieve that goal.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Past Paper Essay

Knowledge module Financial Accounting (International) Time allowed: 2 hours ALL FIFTY questions are compulsory and MUST be attempted. Do NOT open this paper until instructed by the supervisor. This question paper must not be removed from the examination hall. The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants Paper F3 (INT) ALL 50 questions are compulsory and MUST be attempted Please use the Candidate Registration Sheet provided to indicate your chosen answer to each multiple choice question. Should details of material adjusting or material non-adjusting events after the balance sheet date be disclosed in the notes to financial statements according to IAS 10 Events After the Balance Sheet Date? A B Adjusting events Non-Adjusting events (1 mark) 2 At 30 June 2005 a company’s allowance for receivables was $39,000. At 30 June 2006 trade receivables totalled $517,000. It was decided to write off debts totalling $37,000 and to adjust the allowance for receivables to the equivalent of 5 per cent of the trade receivables based on past events. What figure should appear in the income statement for the year ended 30 June 2006 for these items? A B C D $61,000 $22,000 $24,000 $23,850 (2 marks) 3 In times of rising prices, what effect does the use of the historical cost concept have on a company’s asset values and profit? A B C D Asset values and profit both understated Asset values and profit both overstated Asset values understated and profit overstated Asset values overstated and profit understated. (2 marks) 4 The IASB’s Framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statements gives qualitative characteristics that make financial information reliable. Which of the following are examples of those qualitative characteristics? A B C D Faithful Representation, neutrality and prudence Neutrality, comparability and true and fair view Prudence, comparability and accruals Neutrality, accruals and going concern (2 marks)5 The following bank reconciliation statement has been prepared by a trainee accountant: Overdraft per bank statement less: Outstanding cheques add: Deposits credited after date Cash at bank as calculated above $ 3,860 9,160 5,300 16,690 21,990 What should be the correct balance per the cash book? A B C D $21,990 balance at bank as stated $3,670 balance at bank $11,390 balance at bank $3,670 overdrawn. (2 marks) 6 Which of the following calculates a trader’s net profit for a period? A B C D Closing net assets + drawings – capital introduced – opening net assets Closing net assets – drawings + capital introduced – opening net assets Closing net assets – drawings – capital introduced – opening net assets Closing net assets + drawings + capital introduced – opening net assets. (2 marks) 7 A sole trader took some goods costing $800 from inventory for his own use. The normal selling price of the goods is $1,600. Which of the following journal entries would correctly record this? Dr Cr $ $ A Drawings account 800 Inventory account 800 B C Drawings account Purchases account Sales account Drawings account 800 800 1,600 1,600 (1 mark) 8 The debit side of a company’s trial balance totals $800 more than the credit side. Which one of the following errors would fully account for the difference? A B C D $400 paid for plant maintenance has been correctly entered in the cash book and credited to the plant asset account. Discount received $400 has been debited to discount allowed account A receipt of $800 for commission receivable has been omitted from the records The petty cash balance of $800 has been omitted from the trial balance. (2 marks) 3 9 A company’s income statement for the year ended 31 December 2005 showed a net profit of $83,600. It was later found that $18,000 paid for the purchase of a motor van had been debited to the motor expenses account. It is the company’s policy to depreciate motor vans at 25 per cent per year on the straight line basis, with a full year’s charge in the year of acquisition. What would the net profit be after adjusting for this error? A B C D $106,100 $70,100 $97,100 $101,600 (2 marks) 10 Should dividends paid appear on the face of a company’s income statement? A B Yes No (1 mark) 1 The following control account has been prepared by a trainee accountant: Receivables ledger control account $ Opening balance 308,600 Credit sales 154,200 Cash sales 88,100 Contras against credit balances in payables ledger 4,600 Cash received from credit customers Discounts allowed to credit customers Interest charged on overdue accounts Bad debts written off Allowance for receivables Closing balance $ 147,200 1,400 2,400 4,900 2,800 396,800 555,500 555,500 What should the closing bal ance be when all the errors made in preparing the receivables ledger control account have been corrected?

Friday, November 8, 2019

buy custom Japan Study essay

buy custom Japan Study essay The Yen, denoted by JPY is the official currency of japan. Third to the Euro and the US dollar, it is the most traded currency in the foreign exchange market. In effect, though forces of demand and supply in the market would normally determine the market trading interest rates, Japan depends on the Japan Ministry of finance to set the exchange rate policies for that matter. These interest rates set by the Bank of Japan Policy Board have a very high influence on the exchange rate of the Japan national currency. Hence, they affect the yen assets since a rise in the interest rates leads to a higher return from the assets, thus leading to an appreciation of the currency value. On the other hand, it negatively affects the export side of trade (EconomyWatch, 2010). In a summary, since Japan does not have oil deposits, it entirely depends on imported crude oil. As a result, the country is highly affected by crude oil prices. Furthermore, the country mostly depends on its exports for foreign trade, therefore any increase in prices of its imports negatively affects the Yen value. Another observation from an edition by EconomyWatch is that Japan is somehow poor at foreign trade, which results in low productivity of domestic companies. Thus Japans Yen did not get to be widely traded across the globe initially, thus making it very weak in the foreign exchange market. Effectively, if the value of the yen goes very high investors would prefer to invest in other low-cost nations because trading in Japan would be more costly, being one of the factors that affect Japans currency. One thing that most traders do is to anticipate trends. It is not actually a guarantee of better results, but it gives an overview of expected performances and returns. No wonder, successful businessmen admit to the fact that initially they had observed the trends of a series of occurrences before arriving at their decision to do business in a certain way. Similarly, the yen has exhibited a certain chain of trends over the years as this paper will illuminate. First, William Tsutsui in his book explained that initially, in 1949, that Japan Yen was pegged to the US dollar at 1 USD = Yen 360 (2009). It was maintained at this level for about twenty-two years and had significantly enhanced the economic growth for that period. After the Bretton Woods system collapsed, apan government adopted a floating exchange rate system, which is controlled by forces of demand and supply in the market. Consequentially, during the postwar period the Japanese monetary policy somehow remained the same, whi ch means that the undervalued Yen remained undervalued (Brawley, 2005). Brawley adds that this helped to make the Japanese exports competitive and the plaza accord marked the beginning of a big change in Japanese policy. Japan became more active and began to support the appreciation of the Yen relative to other currencies (375). In early 1980s, Japan had not altered its previous monetary policies. Brawley says that Japanese intervention never included any significant purchase of the dollar. This was because the U.S. monetary was that of benign neglect while that of Japan was unilateral, which caused the Japanese Yen to remain weak against the U.S. dollar, hence failing the high expectations of the floating exchange rate by the Bank of Japan (2005). The bank governor showed a sense of disappointment in the countys monetary policy instigating that it needed some change in order to increase the yen value. However, this was not received nicely by the U.S. government due to fears that the Japanese yen would grow stronger than the dollar, while at the domestic level it also received opposition from a group of Japanese who thought that the international policies had built up the countrys financial reserves, which expanded exports. They felt that a lower value yen was appropriate for Japan because it increased the value of its exports. Nonetheless, during the phase of 1971 1985, sources show that the Japanese yen had been appreciating constantly without any fluctuation in trend (EconomyWatch , 2010). However, despite these repulsive factors, after implementation of the Plaza Accord of 1985 the Japanese currency strengthened, thereby enabling the country to invest abroad and to tap more offshore markets. In turn, this depressed industrial growth and employment at the domestic level. It led to reduced investment at the domestic level thus leading into deflation of the economy, which forced the government to intervene in the forex market in order to combat side effects of the yen appreciation. Briefly, in analyzing exchange rate trendss, economists use two theories to explain and predict exchange rate trends over the long run. These are the purchasing power parity theory and the monetary approach. The purchasing power parity theory stipulates that the exchange rates tend to harmonize values of different currencies so that someone may be able to purchase a given product at a given price that is similar in value across different currencies. By this, if he or she would need 1 U.S. dollar to purchase a loaf of bread in one country, then in japan he or she would need a yen value that resonates with that at a given date. This concept is only applicable in an efficient market and for internationally traded commodity. Additionally, applying this theory illuminates the fact that relatively high inflation in one country will cause currency to depreciate in the long-run. No wonder, deflation in Japan was the actual cause for appreciation of its currency over time. Secondly, in the same light of monitoring trends of currency is the Monetary approach, which looks at the long-term money supply of two or more nations. This form is built on the quantity theory of money, which states that if a county increases its supply of money faster than its rate of change in real GDP then prices will definitely rise. As a result, the countys currency will depreciate in value according to the foreign exchange markets. On the other hand, if the country increases its money supply at a rate that is less than the real GDP, the currency will appreciate, as is the case with Japans currency. In conclusion, according to this approach, if the country maintains a restrictive monetary policy and increases its rate of production then the currency will appreciate. Japans currency has been appreciating constantly for many years now, from 0.00840195 USD against 1 JPY in 2007, to 0.00895175 USD against 1 JPY in to 2008, and to 0.0110144 USD against 1 JPY, and so forth. This was only over a sample period of three years from 2007 to 2009 as shown from a graph by EconomyWatch (2010). From this, it is very clear that the data supports the monetary approach theory since the yen constantly showed an appreciating value against the U.S dollar. Nonetheless, Japan maintained a restrictive monetary policy and increased its rate of production, which resulted into appreciation of the yen. Buy custom Japan Study essay

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Social Policy Essays Community Poker Money Essay Example

Social Policy Essays Community Poker Money Essay Example Social Policy Essays Community Poker Money Essay Social Policy Essays Community Poker Money Essay which itself was a descendent from the German card game ‘pochen’ and it has besides been cited that the English game crow had some influence, though that itself was clearly taken from the Gallic game ‘brelan’ . It has besides been considered that the Irish card game ‘poca’ had a peculiarly big predomination over what it is we play today. However it is non merely Europe that can claim celebrity for the now enormously popular hybrid, America besides has rights as it has been stated that around 1830 the frontier innovators were already playing a game really similar to the modern twenty-four hours equivalent of fire hook, it was particularly popular on the Mississippi river boats, where gaming was considered a past clip. It is besides the American’s who made the game so huge and widespread, praise acclaiming from the US military for its dispersion of the game across Asia. However the beginning of the playing card, although they have changed dramatically are said to hold come into being in China around 1120 AD. However the cards that we are more familiar with today are of Gallic beginning, with a sociological category turn. The four suits are said to picture the four categories of work forces, spades peers aristocracy, diamonds peers merchandisers, nines equals provincials and Black Marias equals the clergy. Poker has besides had more of an impact on people’s lives than they know, even without playing or cognizing about the game, the life style and nomenclature that revolves around the game is now portion of mundane life. Phrases that most people use even without believing about it frequently originate from fire hook, for illustration. It is non merely in fire hook that people talk about a ‘poker face’ or how frequently have you heard the phrase ‘got an one up my sleeve’ or ‘let’s up the ante’ , these all originate from fire hook and they are merely a choice few from 100s. Poker in the last five to ten old ages has undergone a immense draw over of involvement. From what one time was a reasonably quiet community, largely popular with older work forces playing ‘home games’of fire hook, it has radicalised and turned into a worldwide phenomenon pulling in over 100 million people worldwide. There are now poker telecasting shows, fire hook related vesture, 100s of fire hook on-line cyberspace webs for playing online and the chief competition for fire hook, known as the WSOP ( World Series of Poker ) went from holding 839 entrants in the chief event of No Limit Texas Hold’em in 2003 to holding 8,773 in 2006, a immense sedimentation in the infinite of three old ages, with the victor gaining over a million dollars in award money. One of the chief grounds why fire hook has become so unbelievably popular in such a short sum of clip has to be due to the undeniable handiness of it today. Both the monolithic addition in the engineering provided in agencies of the Internet but besides telecasting. Poker has become about a standard family telecasting show since the innovation of the new fire hook tabular arraies. The new tabular arraies have glass panels in the tabular array positioned where each participant sits ; under these panels are little cameras. The thought so is that for each manus of fire hook played the camera can see and relay back to the telecasting what manus it is that each participant holds. This may sound simple, and it is, but it works surprisingly good, and creates another dimension to watching fire hook instead than take parting. Basically this engineering means that you can see the true kineticss of all the custodies and understand the action a batch better, as it unfolds. It has publicised and revolutionised fire hook in a telecasting sphere that it now is the 3rd most watched athletics on overseas telegram telecasting in the United States of America. Third merely to auto racing and American football ( NFL ) severally, but even trumping the extremely acclaimed hoops conference, the NBA ( National Basketball Association ) . There are even several fire hook channels, dedicated to merely demoing fire hook action round the clock across the USA and Europe. Though of class this is merely one of many progresss in engineering that has progressed and infiltrated fire hook into our mundane lives, another medium is of class, the immense impact of the Internet which has evidently had huge impacts on the fire hook universe. The on-line fire hook economic system has neer been flusher and does by far possess the largest part of the on-line chancing market, which last twelvemonth was reported to hold had worldwide grosss in surplus of $ 15 billion in 2006, estimated to lift to around $ 2 0 billion this twelvemonth. Poker has even branched out into reasonably improbable mediums such as wireless, where it really works apparently good. An illustration of the influence the Internet has had in the fire hook universe has been demonstrated several times over the past few old ages, though most unforgettably nevertheless in 2003 where a center aged, competently named adult male won the World Series of Poker. Chris Moneymaker found his manner into the much coveted tourney, that normally incurs a $ 10,000 buy-in. However for merely $ 39 on an on-line fire hook web site, PokerStars online card room, Moneymaker managed to last right to the terminal and turned his $ 39 into $ 2.5 million, all from playing at place on the cyberspace. In fact many people have credited the fire hook roar to Moneymaker, as he was the first individual to portray the pipe dream that so many people had. More late nevertheless, there has been a more amazing effort in the fire hook universe, in the 2007 W SOP the much heralded expansive award victor was non one of the all clip celebrated professionals that has played fire hook for the past 25 old ages of their life but a 19 twelvemonth old Scandinavian miss called Annette Obrestad. As if those few inside informations weren’t perplexing plenty, this tourney was besides the first clip that she had played unrecorded fire hook, up against some of the greatest participants of all clip, and directing them place with nil but a narrative. However it must be noted that it was non without accomplishment, Annette who won a cheerful $ 2 million at the tourney, although non holding any old experience of unrecorded fire hook did hold net incomes of up to $ 800,000 in on-line fire hook tourneies. However the recognition must travel to the immature Scandinavian, whose win has been stated as a â€Å"startling milestone† . Professional fire hook participant Howard Lederer, besides known as ‘the professor’ commented on the ha ndiness of fire hook today as: â€Å"When I started out it took old ages of difficult swot at the tabular array to acquire good. Now the acquisition curve is much steeper† . It is frequently said in fire hook that while Texas Hold’em, the most popular version of fire hook today, may take merely proceedingss to larn, but it takes a life-time to maestro. However it did non all used to be such a glam past clip. Indeed non so long ago fire hook as a profession was looked down upon, even one of the greatest all clip fire hook participants to day of the month Daniel Negreanu joked that for some old ages his female parent ever told people he was an comptroller. However, evidently as the fire hook roar has taken the universe by storm even America’s Department of Labour has given poker a ‘thumbs up’ in the component of accomplishment that is involved, by last twelvemonth recognizing ‘professional fire hook player’ as an official business. This b eing so due to the component of accomplishment that is involved, although the Courts still view fire hook as a game of opportunity, which has obvious deductions. The accomplishment versus opportunity argument is an old one, with many people shacking with each side, and even as the professional fire hook participant Howard Lederer concedes it is so difficult to reason that a professional will prevail over an amateur in any given manus. However there is plentifulness of converting grounds that in the long tally, accomplishment will predominate and the professional will win. Lederer believes that the accomplishment is in the betting, which is compounded with the grounds that you can win without keeping the best manus, the common bluff. The instance that accomplishment in the long tally will predominate is besides obviously made deliberately clear in the aforesaid movie ‘Rounders’ . On the chief character being questioned as to why he plays this game, when it clearly has ca rdinal engagement with your fiscal state of affairss, his reply is one frequently heard around the card tabular array today. He is asked the inquiry by his girlfriend who evidently is worried about chancing and losing money, particularly as at the start of the movie the chief character loses all his money in one manus of No Limit Texas Hold’em. The rejoinder is this ; â€Å"Why does this still seem like chancing to you? Why do you believe the same five cats make it to the concluding tabular array of the World Series of Poker every twelvemonth? What are they, the luckiest cat in Las Vegas? It’s a accomplishment game.† This is a clear message to the spectator but non so subtly delivered. Another all clip great fire hook participant, Thomas Austin Preston, or better known as Amarillo Slim takes a similar stance to that of all professional fire hook participants and besides believes that accomplishment will predominate, but decides that it is a good thing that the skill factor can be limited at times to pure opportunity and fortune, he explains in his autobiography, ‘Amarillo Slim in a universe full of fat people’ that ; â€Å"All you can make is do the dramas that have a per centum of success and set yourself in a place to win. But that doesn’t mean that if you start with AA and your opposition starts with 22 that he isn’t traveling to crush you sometimes. If that were the instance, you wouldn’t be able to acquire them chumps to maintain coming back. In the long tally, accomplishment will prevail.† What some professional fire hook participants will hold on, likely, is that there is a certain sum of short-run fortune involved in fire hook, as Amarillo Slim provinces ; â€Å"It’s non like cheat, where the best participants win all the clip. In fact, at the 2002 World Series of Poker, of the 631 entries, there were 13 former universe title-holders, including me and Doyle ( Brunson ) , and non one made it to the concluding 45 participants. If that doesn’t state you that there’s short-run fortune in fire hook ( the tourney merely lasts five yearss ) , so I don’t cognize what does.† An easy manner to explicate why this is so can be shown through the simpleness of tossing a coin, the same as how Goffman explains ‘strategic interactionism’ in his reader ‘Where The Action Is’ . A construct that you must invariably see is that statistics do non ever have a practical application to human life, they are non ever pertinent. It becomes more clear when you think that the theory of chance becomes more meaningful the more times you participate in a game of opportunity. If you are merely covering with a little figure of tests so your consequences a prone to being slightly erroneous. So when tossing a coin, if you flip it twice, so the general premise is that it will set down caputs one time and tails one time, nevertheless the truth is that the consequences are more complicated than this. The tabular array below shows the results: Consequence Probability of Result HH 25 % Terrestrial time 25 % HT 25 % Thursday 25 % To happen out the opportunities of a assorted consequence ( HT or TH ) you merely add the two chances together. As you can see the tabular array indicates that you are merely every bit likely to set down on a assorted consequence than you are non-mixed. Each holding a even opportunity of happening. However if we now double the sum of times the coin is flipped, we can see that the odds of a even consequence alteration. Consequences Probability of Result HHHH 6.25 % HHHT 6.25 % HHTH 6.25 % HHTT 6.25 % HTHH 6.25 % HTHT 6.25 % HTTH 6.25 % HTTT 6.25 % THHH 6.25 % THHT 6.25 % THTH 6.25 % THTT 6.25 % TTHH 6.25 % TTHT 6.25 % TTTH 6.25 % TTTT 6.25 % The manner that they have changed is that the odds of now acquiring a even consequence have really fallen to 37.5 % , but, and this is highly of import, the opportunities of acquiring a consequence closer to the expected result, being even, have in fact greatly increased. In the first test the odds at acquiring all caputs or all dress suits were even money, nevertheless when the tests are doubled, those odds fall to 12.5 % . Below are the consequences of a test of a coin being flipped 50 times: TTHHHTHTHHHHTHTHHHHHTTH TTTHTHTTTTHHTHHTTTTHHHTTHTT Here there are 25 caputs and 25 dress suits, a perfect consequence, but had we merely flipped the coin twice we would hold got an untrue consequence of two dress suits. Besides, out of the first 20 somersaults, 14s were caputs. If you spent your whole life tossing a coin, you would happen that it landed on caputs 50 per centum of the clip, toss it merely twice nevertheless and you have merely a one in two opportunity at geting at the same consequence. Basically this demonstrates that the more opportunities you take, and the more custodies you play, the more likely it is that the Numberss will keep true, but in a short period, anything can go on. So has fire hook had the last of its bad imperativeness? Well non wholly, although some people have been inexorable that all along fire hook should be embraced, even the universe celebrated literary icon Mark Twain one time said: There are few things that are so inexcusably neglected in our state as poker†¦it is adequate to do one ashamed of one’s species† . Possibly this is slightly of a strong, possibly excessively combative, but however depicts the frame of head that some people do hold about the game. Poker is a wondrous infective game, a fact that non many people understand why this is. If you think about the signifier of fire hook at its simplest degree, with two people playing against each other with no 3rd party intercession like a casino to take any net income so the game is one of a zero-sum nature, when one participant loses another additions, simple. However fire hook has a batch to make with chance and when you add this into the cocktail so there are some really interesting results. Technically if two people were to play against each other, once more with no intercession, and drama for infinity so the Torahs of chance province that both participants will finally have the same custodies, in the same state of affairss, the same sum of times. This being so so the additions and losingss will equilibrate out therefore organizing equilibrium. So, how do you do money from playing fire hook so? The reply is where the art of fire hook is introduced, if you can out believe and out smart your opposition and drama with a better scheme than him so you will win. As the journalist Andy Bellin provinces: â€Å"Claiming a pot when you have the best cards isn’t plenty to do you a winning participant. Remember, there is no expansive wage graduated table for keeping the best hand†¦some chump has to pay you off. You have to maximize net incomes through craft and understanding, eke out every last dollar that your competition is willing to lose to you, and when you don’t holding the winning cards, flee every bit fast as possible† . First, it is of primary importance to see the work of Erving Goffman, most normally known for his work in symbolic interactionism and for his widely acclaimed work ‘The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life’ . The work that is of rule importance by Goffman in concurrence with fire hook is his work on ‘strategic interaction’in peculiar his combined essays that formed his findings on chancing which he subsequently called ‘Where the Action Is’ . Often included in chancing readers and besides referenced to the sociology of hazard within chancing. Goffman sculpts a clear and definite word picture of the true logistics behind gaming by utilizing a simple platform of fliping a coin. Although simple, this theoretical account consists of all the qualities that chancing, in all its signifiers, holds imperative to the game. This works for fire hook as both a scientific discipline and a doctrine. If you toss a coin the opportunities of it being caputs is ev en. But the inquiry is will it? The scientific nature of fire hook is to understand the chance, which is clearly derived from mathematics and scientific discipline, but accepting this theory would ever look to fall down to faith. The nature of the statement is that chance theory is merely an ever-present phenomenon that governs all things related to opportunity. Although mathematicians can, and do, accept it they can non turn out it. The simple cape of the point is that anything that has a opportunity of go oning will at some phase go on. Despite the, what would look simpleness of ‘Where the Action Is’ it has even become non merely a nucleus text in this field of the societal scientific disciplines but besides as a cardinal rudimentss theory book for fire hook. Indeed one of the most outstanding fire hook phrases that is known worldwide is frequently associated with Goffman’s work, it was famously said by Karl ‘Papa’ Wallenda. The celebrated words merely one time uttered by the stuntman were: â€Å"Life is being on the wire, everything else is merely waiting† The phrase as aforementioned is limpidly known through fire hook circles and although has obvious intensions with Wallenda’s support, but it besides applies to poker, and is used in several chancing movies, most late in the critically acclaimed movie ‘Rounders’ . Throughout ‘Where the Action Is’ , Goffman continually analyses the difference between chancing and hazard with opportunity. There is ever traveling to be grounds of opportunity or ‘luck’ in any gambling game, including fire hook, which due to this argument there has been an of import focal point point on fire hook in recent old ages in the United States of America. Goffman assesses these differences and describes the intrinsic functionality of both. Goffman states ; â€Å"There are to be chancy state of affairss where relevant orders of humanly directed finding are involved by virtuousness of accomplishment, cognition, make bolding, doggedness, and so away. This, in fact, marks a important difference between games of ‘pure’ opportunity and what are called competitions: in the former, one time the finding is in drama, the participants can make nil but passively await the result ; in the latter, it is merely this period that requires intensive and sustained exercise of relevant capacities. None the less, it is still the instance that during competitions something of value to be staked comes up for finding ; in footings of the facts and frequently their perceptual experience as good, the intended and effectual influences are insufficiently influential to render the state of affairs unproblematic.† Goffman so breaks down the order of competitions into different stages, each of which has a different degree of the gamble associated within it. Goffman defines four stages. The first of which is thesquaring offstage, this stage is basically the bet-making stage, this is where the regulations of the gamble are drawn up and hold on to which the gamblers so pass, as Goffman unquestionably labelled it, the point of no return. The 2nd stage is thefinding stageotherwise known as the in-play stage. In fire hook this stage is the minute long continuance that it takes to cover all the cards to all, the participants, including the community cards. In this stage Goffman states that this is where â€Å"relevant causal forces actively and determinatively produce the outcome† . The following stage is known as thedisclosive stage,besides known as the revelatory stage is the clip between finding and ratting of the participants. As antecedently mentioned this stage is unquestionably brief, be ing the clip taken to cover the cards. The 4th and concluding stage is that of thecolony stage, this begins when the result has been disclosed and enduring until losingss have been paid up and profitss collected. The period required by participants to come on through the four stages has been labelled by Goffman as thespanof the drama. After analyzing the more basic basicss with his four stage theoretical account Goffman so moves on to a more elaborate analysis of chancing and what it consists of. Goffman reflects ; â€Å"a whole set of considerations may be involved: the graduated table of betting ; the length of the odds ( and whether he is giving them or acquiring them ) ; the brevity of the span of drama ; the littleness of the figure of dramas ; the rate of drama ; the per centum paid for playing ; the fluctuation of size sing awards associated with favorable results. Further, the comparative weight given each of these considerations will change markedly with the absolute value of each others.† As everyone is different the issues of character and personality are therefore included, as persons and groups have somewhat different, what Goffman labels â€Å"personal baselines† from which we measure chance and hazard. As Goffman high spots ; â€Å"A manner of life affecting much hazard may do the person to give small weight to a hazard that person else might happen forbidding.† The huge community of fire hook clearly assembles immense crowds from all over the universe. Choosing an event such as the World Series of Poker, where all different fire hook participants culminate to play against each other, shows how different each fire hook participant is. Even within smaller games, or ‘home’ games there is on show a immense array of difference non merely in fire hook ability and manner but besides category backgrounds, ethnicity and faith. The game of fire hook nevertheless requires, for you to even be marginally successful, a appreciation of a few simple regulations. These are non the playing regulations per Se but more the intrinsic nature of the game. Thought arousing thoughts such as, trust and honor. Peoples playing fire hook with one another have to measure each state of affairs and inquire themselves do they swear their resistance? Of class we are imitating trust within the game, non that the other participant is traveling to steal from you b ut are they bluffing? It is so frequently said that ‘Trust is the lubricator of Society’ and to swear person is to allow your guard down, and if there is something you don’t desire to make in fire hook it is so that. What I find interesting though is that all over the universe there are societal norms and even in different states globally there is the impression of ‘Natural Law’ , which dates back to the philosopher Aristotle, nevertheless it is most normally known by the elaborate focal point and reading that the medieval Christian doctrine of St Thomas Aquinas. Although the thought of ‘Natural Law’ today has slightly become a recessionary impression, chiefly due to the â€Å"mechanistic causation† that our society is comfy with, which is frequently portrayed this manner because we live in a post-Darwinian universe, and are accustomed to sing nature, in peculiar human nature. This anaesthetises us from, what we now view as out-of -date theoretical accounts of believing, such as holding a teleological position of the universe, as these positions are now deemed â€Å"quaintly prescientific† . Combined with the sociological thought of ‘Phenomenology’ in peculiar ‘Transcendental Phenomenology’ , which was a subdivision of phenomenology coined by Edmund Husserl, which basically explores â€Å"the brooding survey of the kernel of consciousness as experienced from the first-person point of view† and in peculiar in this subdivision of phenomenology is when what we experience is generalised to the indispensable characteristics of any given experience. An merger of these two could be more merely set in the function of what we call ‘social norms’ . ‘Social Norms’ are by manner of definition the â€Å"collective consciousness† of a community, or more merely put the shared values and ethical motives of society. The norms that we hold beloved and that are of indispensable value to our society evidently alteration with little, sometimes about unobtrusive niceties throughout different communities. It is here that I ask the inquiry, do these norms apply in the fire hook community when there are so many people from different backgrounds. Of class this is besides the instance in society, but the cardinal difference in society is that we are non viing against each other in the same manner that fire hook participants are. So do the fire hook participants let their intrinsic functionality of their lives change or even excite their fire hook, or is it possible that fire hook participants have, what I like to nam e a ‘Separated Performance’ degree which allows them to play with a neglect for their societal norms? This is an highly hard impression to seek and turn out or confute, as so many fire hook participants are different and within the game there are so many stereotypes. A more basic attack to this inquiry could be does the pecuniary value in fire hook alteration people and their norms. This can be easy broken down into two classs of fire hook participants, professionals and amateurs. Professionals seem to hold their ain fire hook norms that they uphold throughout their fire hook playing lives, which are cardinal to their game and if they didn’t have such a appreciation on these so fire hook, for a batch of people would non be every bit profitable as it is. Could an recreational participant truly topographic point anything up to ?1 million of their ain money into the pot on a card game, where they are non one hundred per centum positive that they will win? The reply is no. However, could a professional fire hook participant do the same, and the reply is about all the clip yes. The ground for this is the value of money that fire hook participants have. In the telecasting programme ‘High Stakes Poker’ ten professional fire hook participants play against each other in a hard currency game where some participants buy-in for $ 100,000 up to anything like $ 1 million, of their ain money. Many individual custodies of fire hook in this game can be dese rving up to $ 800,000 plus, which if you are non a fire hook participant is a batch of money, nevertheless to the participants it is merely the tool of the trade. Bibliography ‘Interactionism’ ; Paul Atkinson and William Housley, Sage publications 2003. ‘Amarillo Slim in a World full of fat people, the memoirs of the greatest gambler who of all time lived’ ; Thomas Austin Preston, Yellow Jersey Press 2003. ‘Communication in Face to Face Interaction’ ; A aggregation of selected readings edited by John Laver and Sandy Hutcheson, Penguin Modern Linguistics Readings, 1972. ‘Explaining Social Behaviour, More Nuts And Bolts For The Social Sciences’ ; Jon Elster, Cambridge University Press, 2007. ‘The Sociology of Risk and Gambling Reader’ ; selected readers, edited by James F. Cosgrave, Routledge, 2006. ‘Caro’s Book of Poker Tells, The Psychology And Body Language of Poker’ , Mike Caro, Cardoza Publishing, 2003. ‘The Economist’ December 22neodymium2007 – January 4Thursday2008 edition, chiefly pages 31 – 36. ‘Insider Secrets to playing Texas Hold’em Poker Online’ , Theo Cage, 2004, merely available as an online download. ‘Philosophy of Law’ , Jeffrie G. Murphy and Jules L. Coleman, Westview Press, 1990. ‘The Concept of Law’ , H.L.A. Hart, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, 1994. The Texas Hold’em Dictionary. Action The sum of money wagered by a participant during a playing session. In fire hook, the placing of money into the pot. Active One who is still in the pot. Anchor The participant sitting in the last place at a fire hook tabular array before the trader. This is the individual who makes the concluding determination, thereby grounding the game. Ante A term normally used in fire hook to mention to the first money wagered on a manus, or the minimal sum that each participant is required to set into the pot before a new manus can get down. ( Besides see Blind Bet ) Backdoor Flowers: Even worse than the gutshot is the back door Flush. This is when you need two perfect cards of the same suit to complete your manus. ( Besides see ‘Gutshot’ ) Bankroll The entire sum of money a participant has for a gambling session. Belly Buster A draw to make full an interior heterosexual, besides known as a gutshot . Bet A bet or gamble. Beting Limits The lower limit and upper limit that can be wagered on one stake. Large Slick – A pocket manus of Ace-King, normally suited. Blind Bet A stake that certain fire hook participants are required to do as a consequence of their dissipated place. Bluff In fire hook, participants bluff when raising a weak manus in the hope of coercing out participants with a stronger manus. Bump To raise. Burn Card Any card placed in the discard rack without being entered into drama. After the deck is shuffled and cut, one card is burned. Chips Tokens used at bet oning tabular arraies in stead of hard currency. Chop To return the blinds to the participants who posted them and travel on to the following manus if cipher calls the blind. Cold A participant on a losing run Complete Hand A fire hook manus that is defined by all five cards. That is a consecutive, flush, consecutive flower, or a full house. Cut – When the trader divides the deck of cards into two parts and so inverts them after they have been shuffled. Dealer A casino employee who deals the assorted games. Drop Box On a gambling tabular array, the box that serves as a depository for hard currency, markers, and french friess. Edge The casino s advantage over the participant in any game. Besides known as house border. Face Cards The King, Queen or Jack of each suit. Flush A manus dwelling of five cards of one suit. Fold When a participant declines a stake and drops out of the manus. Four Of A Kind Four cards of the same rank. Besides known as quads. Full House A manus dwelling of a three of a sort and a brace. Gutshots A gutshot is a consecutive draw where merely one card makes your manus. Hand Refers to the cards that you hold, or to everything that happens in a card game between shufflings of the deck. Limp In- To come in the unit of ammunition by naming a stake, instead than raising. Maverick Get downing manus of Queen- Jack. Odds Ratio of chances or the sum a stake wage. Pair Any two cards that have the same rank. Generally, braces can be split and played as two custodies. Pass To non wager, to turn up. Pocket Rockets A brace of Ones in the hole. Pot The sum of money that accumulates in the center of the tabular array as each participant antes, stakes, and raises. The pot goes to the victor of the manus. Raise A participant raises by fiting the old stake and so wagering more, to increase the interest for staying participants. Rake The money that the casino charges for each manus of fire hook. It is normally a per centum ( 5-10 % ) or level fee that is taken from the pot after each unit of ammunition of betting. Rainbow Three of four cards of different suits. Rank The worth of a set of cards. Rounder A professional participant who makes the unit of ammunitions of the large fire hook games in the state. Royal Flush An Ace-high consecutive flower ; the best possible manus. Singleton A card that is the lone one of its rank. Smooth Call -To call, instead than raise, an opposition s stake. Steal To win the pot by bluffing. Straight In fire hook, a manus dwelling of five cards of back-to-back ranks. Straight Flush A manus dwelling of five cards of back-to-back ranks of the same suit. Tells A Tell in fire hook is when you pick up on the behaviour of another participant that gives you a strong sense of the strength or failing of their manus. Three Of A Kind Three cards of the same rank. Throwing a Party When several free or recreational participants are doing important pecuniary parts to the pot. Trips Three of a sort. Two Pair A manus dwelling of two sets of braces and a singleton. Under the Gun First to wager. Whale A high roller. Hand rankings in Texas Hold’em Poker. For the possibilities or ‘odds’ of acquiring these custodies please see figure 1 below. Royal Flush An Ace-High heterosexual of one suit. This is the best manus in Texas Hold’em, though your opportunities of acquiring this are Straight Flush A heterosexual of wholly one suit. Four-of-a-Kind ( Quads ) Four cards of the same rank. Full House ( Full Boat, Boat ) Three-of-a-kind and a brace. The illustration below would be called Queens over Aces or Queens full of Aces . Flush Five cards of the same suit. Straight ( Run ) Five cards of consecutive rank. Note that in Texas Hold’em, Aces can be high or low. An illustration of a consecutive where the Ace is low: Three-of-a-Kind ( Trips, Set ) – Three cards of the same rank. Two Pair – Two cards of the same rank and another two cards of the same rank. The illustration below would be called â€Å"Jacks and Twos† . One Pair – Two cards of the same rank. High Card – When you don’t have any of the above, your highest card determines your manus. The illustration below would be â€Å"King High† or â€Å"High card King† . Fig.1 Texas Hold’em Poker manus odds POKER HAND POSSIBLES ODDS Royal Flush 4.0000015391 Other Straight Flush 36.0000138517 Four of a sort 624.0002400960 Full House 3,744.0014405762 Flush 5,108.0019654015 Directly 10,200.0039246468 Three of a sort 54,912.0211284514 Two Pairs 123,552.0475390156 One Pair 1,098,240.4225690276 Nothing 1,302,540.5011773940 Entire 2,598,960 1.0000000000 Interesting Poker trifle. The four male monarchs used in today’s fire hook playing cards are really based on historical figures. King Of Spades= David, King of Israel King Of Clubs= Alexander the Great, King of Macedonia King Of Diamonds= Caesar Augustus, Emperor of Rome King Of Hearts= King Charlemagne, King of France. The playing card suits originated in France and are said to stand for the four categories of work forces. Spades peers aristocracy, Diamonds, merchandisers, Clubs, provincials, and Hearts the clergy. The 52 cards of the ordinary playing deck are said to typify the 52 hebdomads of the twelvemonth. It is besides thought that the 4 suits relate to the 4 seasons: Spades = Winter Clubs = Spring Hearts = Summer Diamonds = Autumn When Columbus landed on U.S. shores in 1492, his work forces took broad foliages from trees, marked them with images, and so played cards. You can non hold a heterosexual in fire hook without holding either a 5 or a 10 in your manus. Statisticss indicate that some 70 million standard decks of playing cards are sold every individual twelvemonth! President Richard Nixon was besides known for his fire hook wonts, utilizing a big amount of money that he won in a fire hook game to fund his first run for Congress! After winning a cool six expansive playing fire hook with his Navy equals ; Nixon won his manner into office with his large fire hook profitss. Richard Nixon was non the merely celebrated individual to be noted to play fire hook. Groucho Marx earned his name from his fire hook playing inclinations. Groucho Marx used to have on a grouch bag around his cervix all the clip. What was in that grouch bag? That’s right his fire hook money! John Mantagu, the Earl of Sandwich was besides a monolithic fire hook partisan. Mantagu venerated the game of fire hook, so much so that he would frequently prosecute in hours of gambling and would really decline to go forth the tabular arraies to eat. His solution? He would hold person serve him bread and meat. So, non merely do we hold the Earl of Sandwich to thank for our lunch period front-runners, but we besides owe the game of fire hook a testimonial for the sandwich.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Globalisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4

Globalisation - Essay Example Lee & Tai (2006) too agree that liberal trade policies, incentives, growing foreign direct investment (FDI), advancement in information technology and communication have all stimulated the process of globalization. The major drivers of globalization according to Singer (2004) include social-demographic (regional, cultural), technological, which includes telecommunications, internet and transportation, economic factors like foreign direct investment, profit motives and market share, ecological and environmental factors like pollution and green laws, and political-legal factors like falling trade barriers, political stability and intellectual property. There is a connection between poverty and globalization and it is generally believed that without globalization inequality would have increased. Free trade would make the world prosperous and assist the poorer nations in coming up. Technological upgradation takes place in developing nations but evidence also suggests that technological change increases inequality between highly skilled workers and the unskilled workers (Singer). Trade and politics should be independent of each other. Globalization means differently to different people. While it provides opportunities to many people, it has also caused impoverishment to many groups and societies. Globalization has led to rapid and sudden changes in information and communications, which too has advantages and pitfalls. There are conflicting stands on this issue. Globalization is the concept of moving towards single-world society. In this effort there has been rising share of economic activity in the world. The aim was to open the world market to everybody and was thought to be a solution to social and economic disorder prevailing in the world. Globalization has brought about competition, liberalization, deregulation, and privatization and opened up capital markets but at the same time it has undermined the economic prospects for millions around

Friday, November 1, 2019

How contemporary designer Anna Sui, has reinterpreted and been Essay

How contemporary designer Anna Sui, has reinterpreted and been influenced by the past - Essay Example Anna Sui had a rough start as a designer, not only did she get fired from her job for featuring her collection in a New York fair trade but also started a small business in her apartment with only 300 dollars in her account. Her collection, which consisted of only 5 pieces, was designed and made exclusively in her studio apartment and got featured in New York Times. From that point on her talent as a designer was a force to be reckoned with, however she highly struggled next to â€Å"big-name houses† in the 1980’s as power dressing was the popular style and Anna Sui focused mainly on quirky design that incorporated her love for music (folk, gunge, punk etc.) and her fascination for the past (Victorian, Rococo, Parisian Boudoir etc.) Her close friend Naomi Campbell then suggested that she host a fashion show in order to show the world her different approach to fashion. Thus she rented a small space and rewarded the models with clothes, the show was a breakthrough in her career. Not only did her name get known but also she understood that staying true to herself and her inspirations was going to be the key to her success and to this day her designs still incorporate her love for music and her fascination for the past.